The dates listed below are times during the semester that you, as department chair, will have deadlines. The materials are to be handed into the Dean of the College Office unless otherwise specified.

September 1

Dean, Department Evaluation Committee, and Academic Personnel Committee meet to discuss need for outside evaluators for tenure reviews

September 15

Faculty Activity Report and current c.v.

October 1

Tenure recommendation from Departmental Evaluation Committee

October 15

Spring 2004 Course Schedule due in Registrar’s Office

November 15

Fall reappointment review from Department Evaluation Committee

December 1

Sabbatical requests and requests for unpaid leaves

February 20 (approx.)

Budget requests for 2004-05, to Business Office

Academic Equipment requests for 2004-05

Academic Facility requests. Requests accepted any time during the year. Larger requests for 2004-05 should be made by February 20.

March 3

Course schedules for 2004-05 due in Registrar’s office

Staffing requests for 2004-05 for part-time and full-time adjunct faculty

April 30

Spring reappointment reviews from Department Evaluation Committee

May 31

Department annual report

Departmental assessment reports