Assessment That Promotes Learning

John P. Lowe

The teacher in an elementary school class is understood to have the capability of evaluating all of the students across a range of skills throughout the school year. That teacher also has the responsibility to intervene when he or she recognizes a deficiency in a student.

For teachers of large college classes, neither of these statements is true. Typically, college teachers evaluate their classes only a few times, using tests that telescope all of the relevant skills into a single number or letter grade. Thus, they may never understand their students' performance in a detailed way. Furthermore, intervening to save a particular student in college has traditionally been viewed as the student's--not the teacher's--responsibility.

These circumstances make it reasonable for the teacher of college courses, especially large ones, to look for ways to help students recognize when they need to intervene on their own behalf. But the methods whereby this is accomplished need to be simple to apply and easy to evaluate. Ideally, the system ought to work like the self-repair mechanisms of biological organisms. That is, it should be driven by the desire of the students to do well rather than by the teacher's attention to the problems of individual students.

But students and teachers seem to look at courses in very different ways. As a teacher, I view my courses in terms of learning goals and material coverage, with examinations and assignments as a necessary chore. Students, on the other hand, seem to view them as a certain number of assignments and a certain number of examinations or papers. For me, tests measure the flow of a process. For students, tests are the process.

Recently, I have been looking for ways to use this consuming student concern about tests and grades and points as a vehicle not only to measure how well students have learned material, but also to assess and improve how they learn, how they think, and how they come to value certain ways of learning and thinking and knowing.


Designing Assessment Strategies

As teachers, we need to make explicit connections between the skills we expect students to bring with them--skills we all too frequently treat implicitly--and traditional modes of assessment. For example, if a particular skill or way of thinking underlies the proper solution to a problem, we should try to find ways to let the student assess this skill beforehand, rather than letting him or her stumble up against it when trying to solve a larger problem. When choosing assessment strategies, we also need to remember a few simple points about how students learn.

First, the single most important factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. This observation has two important ramifications for me. One is that I expect the students to be able to call on knowledge and skills from prerequisite courses, and it is important that I let them know that. The other is that I expect them to come prepared to class each day. Usually that means they have read ahead or done a certain problem, so it is important for me to demonstrate what that day's task is. Just saying that they must be prepared is not enough; I must also show them what they must do to be prepared.

The second factor to remember is that awareness of learning motivates learning. This is an easy one to forget, and one I need to attend to more often. I try to find ways for students to experience the payoff when they make an investment in improving their learning/thinking skills. When they see results, they become more highly motivated. My tendency, however, is to ask more challenging questions as students get more sophisticated, so that test results tend to stay constant. This interferes with the buildup of confidence I would like to encourage. Even though I can see their growth, they don't if their test scores remain fixed.

Obviously, making student self-assessment an integral part of the course assessment process is ultimately beneficial for all concerned. Many students will do poorly in a course without ever facing up to the underlying problems. Close off this escape route, but do it so that the students, rather than you, do the extra work. Many times these issues arise because students have never had to master certain basic study skills. For example, a surprising number of students go through a course without ever registering what the goals for the course are and without realizing what the expectations are in terms of study time, skill acquisition, or use of background information. I now try to include this sort of information on my syllabus. But the problem remains that many students won't read that part of the syllabus. Similarly, when they receive their first graded assignment, many students will view it almost clinically, ascribing all failing to the sadistic inclinations of the teacher rather than acknowledging any causal relationship to their own behavior.

Ultimately, both students and teachers share the responsibility for what transpires within and because of a particular instructional setting. The common theme in solving or resolving problems is in discovering ways that will make students explicitly aware of the broader learning goals of the course and will require them to assess their performance and their learning practices. I am sure there are many ways to approach these problems. But the following are examples of some strategies I have used to help to coordinate both the teacher's and the students' responsibilities. These examples may give you an idea of the range of possibilities when seeking modes of assessment that will promote learning.


A Sampling of Assessment Strategies

Syllabus and Day 1 Questionnaire

You have only about two weeks to establish the course pattern. Therefore, it is a good idea to seek feedback from the very beginning when you talk about your goals and expectations. Because many students simply do not read the sections of my syllabus dealing with course objectives, I have devised a questionnaire that is to be handed in at the second class meeting. For obvious reasons, students think I am asking for information about them, and to a certain extent I am. But my primary goal is to get them to think about course goals and study expectations in the course. They are--I have discovered--more likely to read my comments in the syllabus while filling out this questionnaire. When I have collected these questionnaires, I do not always return them to students and, in fact, have found them to be quite useful when students visit during office hours.


Syllabus and Day 1 Questionnaire

Name: ________________________________


  1. Please indicate your term standing, length of time at UP (and where you were before, if applicable).


  2. How well-prepared do you think you are for this course, in terms of pre-requisite course material? Have you already had courses that significantly duplicate the material of this course?


  3. Which goals of this course are most relevant to your situation and plans?


  4. How many hours outside of class do you anticipate spending on this course in an average week?


  5. Do you tend to "surge study"? That is, do you go for several weeks with little or no out-of-class work followed by marathon sessions before exams? If so, what is your opinion as to the effectiveness of this for (1) getting a good grade and (2) learning the material in a way that allows you to retain it after the course is over?


Analysis of Performance on First Exam

The goal of this assessment activity is to make the students analyze what they did not do right and, in effect, take a pledge (to the instructor and to themselves) not to make that mistake again. It is common sense to make such analyses and vows, but we are all human, after all, and can use some coercion at times. If this works, the improved studying is greatly reinforced. If it fails, the shy student is perhaps more likely to visit the instructor. After students complete the first exam performance analyses, they give them to me along with their exams. I look at both and return the exams once again, but keep the critiques on file.


Analysis of Performance on First Exam

Name: ________________________________________________
Section (1 or 2): _________ Grade on Exam 1: __________


  1. Analyze what prevented you from achieving a higher score on this exam. Consider the following factors as well as any others appropriate to your case.
    • inadequate knowledge of background terms, quantities, definitions
    • inadequate understanding of relationships
    • misinterpretation of questions on examination
    • poor mental condition due to physical or emotional stress


  2. Analyze your readiness for this exam. Consider
  3. whether you spent adequate time on learning the material, and whether that time was spread out wisely. (Estimate time.)
  4. whether your time was effectively spent. Were you achieving understanding, or were you simply going through the mechanical motions of underlining text and solving problems without getting concepts into your mind.
  5. whether you have used office hours, tutorial services, and/other students for help.


  6. Indicate what you plan to do differently in order to do better on the next exam.



Second Exam Follow-up

After the second exam, I get all of the same students to turn in another sheet that asks them to analyze the effectiveness of the first exam questionnaire with regards to their scores on the second exam.


Post-Mortem On Examination 2

Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade on Exam 1: ______ on Exam 2: ________


  1. Please comment on your preparation for Exam 2 compared to Exam 1.


  2. How do you think this has affected your performance on Exam 2?


(If you are still not satisfied with your performance, you should see me in office hours if you have not already done so.)



Bringing a Daily Problem to the Lecture

This assessment tool is a problem assigned at each lecture to be turned in at the beginning of the next lecture. For my large classes, I have some TA assistance to grade daily problems (zero if missing, 1/2 if partly right, 1 if essentially right). The maximum value is 50 points out of 650 for the entire course, so it is a small enough portion that I can justify not worrying about collaboration (in fact, collaboration is perfectly fine), yet a large enough portion so that students can't bring themselves to blow it off. I try to make these "of the essence" problems--problems that are not very intricate, but which focus on very important points. I try to tune things so that near the beginning of each class, I can show the solution for the problem just turned in and reinforce an important point. They all pay close attention to this problem because of their "points." Of necessity, they also learn something.

Benefits of the daily problem include the following:

While this device is more labor intensive than the others, it is sufficiently effective to warrant the extra effort.


In-Class Problem

This is a device to get the class to recognize that I expect them to use information from earlier courses, that this is a course where concepts are more important than equations, and that working in groups is useful and OK with the instructor.

During the first week of class, I ask students to form informal groups of 3-4 among neighbors. Then I show them a problem on the overhead. Here is an example that I could use in a junior-level physical chemistry course:


On the world of Chyra, temperature is measured in degrees Grath (ĄG) after the scientist Lyrdahl Grath. Gases are found to double in volume, at constant pressure, when the temperature is raised from 0.0ĄG to 100.0ĄG. What is the value of absolute zero in ĄG?

This is a problem that may or may not be shown with a set of multiple-choice answers. Students discuss this for a few moments and then report to the group as a whole. When the correct answer is revealed through discussion, I ask "What does this question tell you about this course?" Again, they discuss this for a moment in their groups and report to the whole class.

Here are the messages I am hoping they get:


This group work also helps to network the new graduate students and the CES transfer students who make up a significant portion of the physical chemistry course. It is also administratively easy--no papers are collected, nothing is graded.


The Lab Writeup

This is a scheme we are moving towards implementing in our freshman chemistry lab course, but it could apply to any course where a series of critiqued assignments are submitted. The lab instructor will grade the first lab report with extensive comments (as we already do), and the student will get back that report in time to read it over before starting the next laboratory exercise. The student then begins the next lab report by answering the question, "What weaknesses were found in your previous laboratory report, and how do you plan to overcome them in this report?" I anticipate the following benefits:


A much more effective connection is thereby established between the student and the lab instructor on the topic of report writing. It should serve to motivate the instructor too, since he or she will observe that the comments they are making actually influence the student's subsequent performance.



These examples give you an idea of the range of possibilities when seeking modes of assessment that promote learning. Undoubtedly, many other teachers have tried tactics similar to these as well as others I haven't thought about. The common theme here is finding ways to make students explicitly aware of the broader learning goals of the course and require them to assess their performance and their learning practices.




John Lowe's seminar has already resulted in the use of such assessment techniques in other classrooms. For example, Jonathan Goldstine (Computer Science) immediately used his notes from the seminar to redesign some of the questionnaires. We include them on the back page in order to show how these activities can be easily modified for use in your own classes.




Analysis Of Performance on First Exam

Fill this form out and hand it in to the instructor this week. In return for your handing it in by the end of the week, your lowest quiz score will be discarded when your average is computed during the rest of the semester.

Name: ___________________________________________
Section (1 or 2): _________

Study Habits: Estimate how many hours a week you spend studying for this course outside of class. (Include the time you spend doing homework.) Describe how you typically spend the time. What form of studying do you find helps you the most (for example, studying the text, working practice problems, talking to other students, etc.)? If your exam score was at least 70%, you can stop after you answer this question; otherwise, complete the rest of the form.

Performance on Exam: Analyze what prevented you from making a higher score on this exam. Consider the following possible factors as well as any others appropriate to your case: inadequate background knowledge, inadequate understanding of concepts, misinterpretation of questions on the exam, poor mental condition due to physical or emotional stress.

Preparation for This Exam: Analyze your readiness of this exam. Consider whether you spent adequate time learning the material and whether that time was spread out wisely. Consider whether you were studying effectively, achieving understanding rather than just going through the motions. Consider whether you went to office hours or spoke to other students for help.

Preparation for Next Exam: Indicate what you plan to do differently in order to do better on the next exam.




Second Exam Follow-Up

I am handing out this second questionnaire because I would like to learn whether the questionnaire that you filled out after the first exam was helpful to you. If you turned in the first questionnaire earlier and you turn in this follow-up questionnaire by Wednesday, I will drop your two lowest quiz scores when computing your average.

Name: _________________________________________________
Section (1 or 2): _______
Enter below your score on the first midterm, your score on the second midterm, and the differences (e.g., +10 if your second exam was 10 points higher, -15 if 15 points lower.)
1st Exam: ______ 2nd Exam: _______ Difference: ______

If your first score was at least 70: Analyze your performance on the second exam. (Was your score about what you expected? If your second score was appreciably higher or lower than your first score, what do you think caused the change?)

If your score rose from below 70 to above 70: Analyze why your score improved on the second exam. (Did you make the changes in the way you prepared for the second exam that you said you would on the first questionnaire? If not, why did you decide not to? If so, how much did the changes help you? Did you make any other changes?)

If both your scores were below 70: Analyze why your second exam score remained below 70. (Did you make the changes in the way you prepared for the second exam that you said you would on the first questionnaire? If not, why did you decide not to? If so, why do you think that the changes did not help you as much as you hoped? Did you make any other changes?)



By Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross
From Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, 2nd Ed.


Fifty Classroom Assessment Techniques are presented in this book. The book is in the HCC library if you want additional techniques or additional information on the five described below. These techniques are to be used as starting points, ideas to be adapted and improved upon.


Background Knowledge Probe



At the first class meeting, many college teachers ask students for general information on their level of preparation, often requesting that students list courses they have already taken in the relevant field. This technique is designed to collect much more specific, and more useful, feedback on students' prior learning. Background Knowledge Probes are short, simple questionnaires prepared by instructors for use at the beginning of a course, at the start of a new unit or lesson, or prior to introducing an important new topic. A given Background Knowledge Probe may require students to write short answers, to circle the correct response to multiple-choice questions, or both.

Step-by-Step Procedure:


  1. Before introducing an important new concept, subject, or topic in the course syllabus, consider what the students may already know about it. Recognizing that their knowledge may be partial, fragmentary, simplistic, or even incorrect, try to find at lease one point that most students are likely to know, and use that point to lead into others, less familiar points.


  2. Prepare two or three open-ended questions, a handful of short-answer questions, or ten to twenty multiple-choice questions that will probe the students' existing knowledge of that concept, subject, or topic. These questions need to be carefully phrased, since a vocabulary that may not be familiar to the students can obscure your assessment of how well they know the facts or concepts.


  3. Write your open-ended questions on the chalkboard, or hand out short questionnaires. Direct student to answer open-ended questions succinctly, in two or three sentences if possible. Make a point of announcing that these Background Knowledge Probes are not tests or quizzes and will not be graded. Encourage students to give thoughtful answers that will help you make effective instructional decisions.


  4. At the next class meeting, or as soon as possible, let students know the results, and tell them how that information will affect what you do as the teacher and how it should affect what they do as learners.


Minute Paper



No other technique has been used more often or by more college teachers than the Minute Paper. This technique -- also known as the One-Minute Paper and the Half-Sheet Response -- provides a quick and extremely simple way to collect written feedback on student learning. To use the Minute Paper, an instructor stops class two or three minutes early and asks students to respond briefly to some variation on the following two questions: "What was the most important thing you learned during this class?" and "What important question remains unanswered?" Students they write their responses on index cards or half-sheets of scrap paper and hand them in.

Step-by-Step Procedure:


  1. Decide first what you want to focus on and, as a consequence, when to administer the Minute Paper. If you want to focus on students' understanding of a lecture, the last few minutes of class may be the best time. If your focus is on a prior homework assignment, however, the first few minutes may be more appropriate.


  2. Using the two basic questions from the "Description" above as starting points, write Minute Paper prompts that fit your course and students. Try out your Minute Paper on a colleague or teaching assistant before using it in class.


  3. Plan to set aside five to ten minutes of your next class to use the technique, as well as time later to discuss the results.


  4. Before class, write one or, at the most, two Minute Paper questions on the chalkboard or prepare an overhead transparency.


  5. At a convenient time, hand out index cards or half-sheets of scrap paper.


  6. Unless there is a very good reason to know who wrote what, direct students to leave their names off the papers or cards.


  7. Let the students know how much time they will have (two to five minutes per question is usually enough), what kinds of answers you want (words, phrases, or short sentences), and when they can expect your feedback.


Muddiest Point



The Muddiest Point is just about the simplest technique one can use. It is also remarkable efficient, since it provides a high information return for a very low investment of time and energy. The technique consists of asking students to jot down a quick response to one question: "What was the muddiest point in ........?" The focus of the Muddiest Point assessment might be a lecture, a discussion, a homework assignment, a play, or a film.

Step-by-Step Procedure:


  1. Determine what you want feedback on: the entire class session or one self-contained segment? A lecture, a discussion, a presentation?


  2. If you are using the technique in class, reserve a few minutes at the end of the class session. Leave enough time to ask the question, to allow students to respond, and to collect their responses by the usual ending time.


  3. Let students know beforehand how much time they will have to respond and what use you will make of their responses.


  4. Pass out slips of paper or index cards for students to write on.


  5. Collect the responses as or before students leave. Stationing yourself at the door and collecting "muddy points" as students file out is one way; leaving a "muddy point" collection box by the exit is another.


  6. Respond to the students' feedback during the next class meeting or as soon as possible afterward.


One-Sentence Summary



This simple technique challenges students to answer the questions "Who does what to whom, when, where, how, and why?" (represented by the letters WDWWWWHW) about a given topic, and then to synthesize those answers into a simple informative, grammatical, and long summary sentence.

Step-by-Step Procedure:


  1. Select an important topic or work that your students have recently studied in your course and that you expect them to learn to summarize.


  2. Working as quickly as you can, answer the questions "Who Did/Does What to Whom, When, Where, How and Why?" in relation to that topic. Note how long this first step takes you.


  3. Next, turn your answers into a grammatical sentence that follows WDWWWWHS pattern. Not how long this second step takes.


  4. Allow your students up to twice as much time as it took you to carry out the task and give them clear direction on the One-Sentence Summary technique before you announce the topic to be summarized.


What's the Principle?



After students figure out what type of problem they are dealing with, they often must then decide what principle or principles to apply in order to solve the problem. This technique focuses on this step in problem solving. It provides students with a few problems and asks them to state the principle that best applies to each problem.

Step-by-Step Procedure:


  1. Identify the basic principles that you expect students to learn in your course. Make sure focus only on those that students have been taught.


  2. Find or create sample problems or short examples that illustrate each of these principles. Each example should illustrate only one principle.


  3. Create a What's the Principle? form that includes a listing of the relevant principles and specific examples or problems for students to match to those principles.


  4. Try out your assessment on a graduate student or colleague to make certain it is not too difficult or too time-consuming to use in class.


  5. After you have make any necessary revisions to the form, apply the assessment