Grammar Point #2.  Give the Spanish.  Be careful of the article in each phrase.


The father-                                                       a father-


The mother                                                      a mother-


A city-                                                             a few or some cities-


A secret-                                                          some secrets-


The company-                                                 the companies-


The secret-                                                       some secrets-


The company-                                                 the companies-


The secret-                                                       the secrets-


Challenge:       They are professors.


                        There are some professors.




Grammar Point #3.  Give the Spanish.  Remember that possessive adjectives (like ÒmyÓ ÒherÓ ÒtheirÓ etc.), always agree with the noun they modify, not with the number of persons they refer to.  Example:          my house = mi casa; my houses = mis casas.


1.         my daughter                                                    2.  my daughters-


3.         our son-                                                           4.  our sons-


5.         his secret                                                         6.  his secrets-


7.         their sister                                                        8.  their sisters-