Interactive Grammar Practice

Below is a link to an interactive Spanish grammar geared to the Destinos program.  It offers exercises with answers, as well as grammar explanations.  After you choose a topic from the menu you will see a grammar exercise.  Type your response to the exercise where it says "Answer," then click on the "Check Answer" button to compare what you have written to a correct response.

Click on the "To Grammar" button to read an explanation of the grammar point you are working on in the exercise.  The "Back to Exercises" button returns you to the exercises.

Instructions on how to type special Spanish characters, such as accented vowels and the ń, are on each exercise page.  There are instructions for both PCs and Macs.

ˇBuena suerte y buen viaje!

Link to grammar and exercises for Destinos lessons 1-26

Link to grammar and exercises for Destinos lessons 27-52

Practice with Verb Forms: All tenses