Key for the Audio Exercises that go with the Destinos Workbooks
Lessons 1-7

It isn't always easy to sort out which tracks on the Media Files correspond to which exercises in the Workbooks. The correspondence between the headphones icon that is used in the Destinos Workbook for audio exercises and the audio track is not always perfect. This key sorts out which track goes with which Workbook exercise. There are 11 CDs in the Media Files Workbook folder, covering all 52 lessons of the Destinos program. The number in parentheses refers to the page of the Workbook.
CD1:  Lesson 1 Lesson 2
1-01 Actividad B, page 4. 2-01 Actividad B (11)
1-02 Actividad A, page 5. 2-02 Actividad A (11)
1-03 Actividad A (p6). 2-03 This covers Actividad, "Los saludos," 
Pasos 1,2,3 on pages 12 and 13.
1-04 Actividad A (7) 2-04 Actividad B (14)
1-05 Actividad B (7) 2-05 Pronunciation exercise (16)
1-06 Actividad B (8) 2-06 Pronunciation exercises (17)
1-07 "La historia de la Gavia" (8) [no icon] 2-07 Actividad A (17)
Self Test exercises for Lessons 1 and 2.
Lesson 3 CD2: Lesson 4
3-01 Actividad B (20) 4-01  Actividad B (33)
3-02 Actividad A (20) 4-02  Actividad A (33)
3-03  Actividad (21) 4-03 Actividad (34)
3-04  Actividad B (22) 4-04  Actividad A (35)
3-05  Actividad C (22) 4-05 Actividad A (37)
3-06 Actividad B (23) 4-06 Actividad C (38)
3-07 Actividad A (25) 4-07 Actividad (39)
3-08 Actividad A (28) 4-08 Actividad A (40)
3-09 Actividad B (28) 4-09 Actividad B (40)
3-10 Covers first two icons (29) 4-10 Actividad C (40)
3-11 Actividad A (29) 4-11  "Aumenta . . . " (40)
3-12  Self Test for lesson 3. 4-12 Actividad A (41)
Lesson 5  Lesson 6
5-01 Actividad B (44) 6-01 (59)
5-02 Actividad A (45)
 Lesson 7
5-03 "Conversaciones," Actividad A (45) 7-01  Actividad B (63)
5-04 Actividad A (46) 7-02  Actividad A (63)
5-05 Actividad A (48) 7-03 Actividad (64)
5-06 Actividad C (49) 7-04 Actividad A (65)
5-07 Actividad A (51) 7-05 Actividad B, Paso 2 (65)
5-08  Pronunciación Three Simple Rules (53) 7-06 (69)
5-09 Actividad A (53) [no icon] 7-07  Actividad (70) [no icon]
5-10 Actividad B (53) [no icon] 7-08 Self Test
5-11  "Words With Diphthongs " (53)
5-12 (54)
5-13 Self test

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