Year |
Student Names |
Project Title |
2006-2008 |
Alexandra Knoppel (10)
Katherine Janson (10)
Sonnet White (09) |
Effect of cycloheximide on extinction of odor discrimination learning
in rats |
2004-2006 |
Ashley Smith (06) |
State dependent effects of cannabinoids on learning and memory in the
sand maze (Started as a summer research project and continued as a
senior research project.) |
2005-2006 |
Sarah Linderman (06)
Mary Marr (06) |
Examination of the amnesia-attenuating effects of pretraining in odor
discrimination learning in rats given cycloheximide (protein synthesis
inhibitor) (senior research project) |
2005-2006 |
Elizabeth Nguyen (09)
Anne Shila Waritu (07)
Ashley Self (07) |
Role of reminder treatments in recovery from cycloheximide-induced
amnesia in an odor discrimination task |
2005-2006 |
Alyson Borneman (06)
Ramlow (06)
Marja-Gay Smith (06) |
Examination of the differential outcomes effect (DOE) in preschoolers
spatial learning and memory abilities (senior research project) |
2004-2005 |
Katie Radke (06)
Brittany Hagar (08)
Morgan Froy (08) |
Effect of reinforcer salience on sand maze performance |