Randolph College
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Homework # 20 - MATH 2227

The problems on this homework must be done alone.  The honor code is in effect.

 First name:   Last name:


1.  Say you're testing the mean \(\mu\), and the null hypothesis is \(\mu = 20.0\), and the alternate hypothesis is \(\mu \neq 20.0\). If \(\sigma\) is known to equal \(1.5\), and you take a sample of size 100 and compute \(\overline{x} = 19.6\), compute the P-value.

a.  .00379

b.  .00758

c.  .03246

d.  .21186

d.  .42372


2.  In the above test, if \(\alpha = 1%\), what should we do?

a.  Accept the null hypothesis.

b.  Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

c.  Reject the null hypothesis.