Randolph College
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Homework # 23 - MATH 2227

The problems on this homework must be done alone.  The honor code is in effect.

 First name:   Last name:


The following table contains the predicted distribution and the actual preference data from a poll we conduct on prefered flavor of Doritos.


\(\begin{array} {|r|r|r|}\hline \mbox{Flavor} & \mbox{Predicted Popularity} & \mbox{Number who Prefer} \\ \hline \mbox{Cool Ranch} & 35\% & 10\\ \hline \mbox{Nacho Cheese} & 30\% & 21\\ \hline \mbox{Flamin Hot} & 20\% & 6 \\ \hline \mbox{BBQ} & 15\% & 13 \\ \hline \end{array}\)


Assume that
\(H_0\): The data represents the given distribution, and
\(H_1\): The data have a different distribution


1.  Compute the chi-square statistic.

a.  0.25

b.  3.75

c.  8.50

b.  11.25

c.  14.75


2.  Estimate the p-value of your result.

a.  between .9 and .95

b.  between .1 and .9

c.  between .05 and .1

d.  between .025 and .05

d.  between .010 and .025


3.  In the above test, if \(\alpha = 10\%\), what should we do?

a.  Accept the null hypothesis.

b.  Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

c.  Reject the null hypothesis.


Let me know your favorite flavor of Doritos.