Chapter History |
The Chi Beta chapter of Sigma Delta Pi was installed on September 29, 2005, in the Alice Ashley Jack Lounge of the Smith building on the campus of what was then Randolph-Macon Woman's College. Professor Margaret Stanton, of Sweet Briar College, presided over the installation of the new chapter. The date chosen, September 29, was a fitting one, as it is the birth date of two renowned Spanish authors, Miguel de Cervantes and Miguel de Unamuno, and there are readings from each of these authors in the initiation ceremony. The year 2005 marks the four hundredth anniversary of the publication of Cervantes's El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, so the date is, indeed, a most appropriate one for the installation of a Spanish honorary society.
Six charter members were inducted on September 29, 2005, three honorary members and three student members. The student members were Michelle Moon Lim, President, Mariya Kasimirova Foteva, Secretary, and Anna Christina Cummings, Vice President. The honorary members are the three current permanent members of the Spanish department at the college: Deborah Ruth Huntington, María Vázquez Castro, and Chester Stanley Halka. Professor Halka serves as the chapter advisor.
Photos from the September 29, 2005 Installation and Initiation Ceremony