How to Access Audio and Video Files on a computer

The surest way to access the audio and video files on a computer is through the Portal, but there is one tricky step.

To begin, go to the portal and choose "My Files" from the menu ribbon. This will take you to a screen where you will be able to choose the Media Drive, which is where almost all of the audio and video files are housed. Choose the Spanish folder from the Media Drive list, and then look for the appropriate subfolder(s) and/or file. The complete path to the Spanish files is: Portal>myfiles>Media Drive>MediaAll>Spanish.

A Special Note for Video Files. When you see the screen with the name of the episode you are interested in viewing, look at its size. If it is small [a few KB], then it is not what you want to click on. What you are looking for will have a much larger size (although it will have the same name); 60-150 MB would not be unusual. Another way to check if the file is a movie or merely a document file is to look at the menu bar, under "Type." If the type is "file," you do not want it; the type should be "mov." The size for "mov" entries will be much larger than those for "file" entries. The "mov" file is what you want to click on. From there you should get a screen that asks you how you wish to download/view the video. If you do not see the "mov" episode you are looking for, click "Next" at the top right of the Media Files screen, and you will be taken to more entries on the list.

**To view the video files you must have Quick Time installed on your computer. If you don't you can download it for free.

If you experience difficulties with these instructions, I would be happy to work with you to eliminate them.


Good luck!