How to Use the Spanish Spellchecker in Microsoft Word
Campus computers located in public areas have been equipped with a Spanish spell check program. To use this software, you must set Spanish as the default language of the Microsoft Word dictionary. Here are instructions on how to do this. Please be sure to reset English as the default language when you have finished proofing your paper for Spanish spelling errors.
The instructions are basically identical for PCs and Macs:
1. | Under the "Tools" menu, move the cursor to "Language." |
2. | Scroll
down the "Mark selected text as" box until you come to
Spanish. Highlight "Spanish." (There may be different Spanish selection possibilities, such as "Spanish (Argentina)," "Spanish (Colombia)," etc. Any one will do.) |
3. | Click
on the "Default" button. A dialog box will ask if you want to change the default language to Spanish. Click "Yes." |
4. | Click "Close" to close the Language box. |
5. | Again go to the "Tools" menu, but this time choose "Spelling and Grammar . . .." The spell checking program will begin proofing your document for Spanish spelling errors. (On PCs only, you can also right click on words that are underlined with a red, squiggly line, and alternatives will appear.) |
After you finish with the Spanish spell checker, please reset the Default
Language to "English (U.S.)." To do this, repeat steps
1-4, choosing "English (U.S.)". |