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American Voices II

Williamsburg and Jamestown


Anne Berry, Director of Educational Programs at Historic Jamestowne, discusses the archaeological work being done at the original Jamestown site.
Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America.

Shay Kahrs, Ales Hoenig and Jessie Forbes on the ferry to Jamestown.   Eggi Orgodol and Sefanie Brawner on the ferry.
Ruins at "New Town" on Jamestown Island
The group on the river.
Mary Allie, our first interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg.   The Colonial Williamsburg wigmaker
Dr. Ed Chappell, Director of Architectural Research at Colonial Williamsburg, talked with the students about the architecture of the historic district, the College of William and Mary, and Merchant Square.   Our guide at Jamestown Settlement, a recreation of what Jamestown
Fort might have looked like.
Another Jamestown interpreter talks about products that were made and exported at the settlement.   A recreation of one of the boats that brought settlers to Jamestown.