an American voice on community
& landscape Rachel
Flynn joined the Department of Community Planning & Development from
Harvard University where she recently received her Masters in Public
Administration at the Kennedy School of Government. In addition, she
worked with the Mayor's Institute on City Design at Harvard's Graduate
School of Design where she developed a national housing conference that
focused on HUD's HOPE VI program.
Prior to returning to graduate school, Rachel practiced architecture for
nearly thirteen years in various cities including Washington, New York,
Boston, Toronto, and Paris. The greater part of her practice was with the
architecture and planning firm of Cannon where she was a senior associate.
She received her B.S. in Architecture and her M.S. in Engineering /
Construction Management at Catholic University.
Rachel chose Lynchburg because she wanted to work in a more
"manageable" city where she could have a greater impact on
planning and development. A native Washingtonian she wanted to return to
the South where there is much growth and change. (Biographical information
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