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The American Culture Program

at Randolph College



Read the Program Newsletter...

October 2005

March 2005

November 2004


December 2003


September 2003


Reality TV in 2005? By Dan Stiffler

I probably sneered when a colleague suggested reality TV as a theme for this year’s American Culture Program.  Study reality TV?  I don’t even want to watch it!  Survivors and Joe Millionaires—who needs them?  Why would real people want to claim fifteen minutes of fame by eating exotic bugs or seducing wealthy cowboys?  But then my colleague mentioned “American Idol” and our whole approach changed. >>more

Student Spotlight
Shastan Kuschke '06

Calling both South Africa and America home, Shastan Kuschke comes to the American Culture Program with a different perspective than most. She is taking a unique approach to her journal, combining her narrative with photography, which, she feels, will strengthen her voice and make her ideas and opinions accessible to more people.  >>more