Spanish 105: Elementary Review Spanish
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1-14 Verb List

Professor Halka - Fall 2008
Oficina: Leggett 601    e-mail:      Phone: 8552

Horas de consulta:  lunes: 2:00-3:00, 
martes: 2:00 -3:00
o por cita


Texts to buy:

(1) Destinos: Second Edition of the Alternate Edition
(2) Destinos: Workbook/Study Guide I, Lecciones 1-26
(3) Destinos: Workbook/Study GuideII, Lecciones27-52 (later)
  • Hour Tests will be given on the following days:
    Friday, September 19
    Friday, October 10
    Monday, November 3
    Friday, November 21

  • Also, in each class, there may be a quiz and/or the homework may be collected


Programa del curso (Syllabus)



Introduction to the course and to the Destinos program.
How to use the Text, the Workbook, the computer programs, and how to access the audio and video media files

Verb vocabulary list for chapters 1-14.



Read the Course Description and Course Goals sheet and also the Class Policies carefully, and ask any questions you may have.
To hand in: Please write and sign a simple declaration that you have read the class policies.

View video 1 if we didn't do this in class.
Workbook: Lessons 1-5, Grammar points #1-#14 (basic, important grammar)
-Review the grammar points and come with any questions you may have. There are answers to most of the Workbook exercises in the back (starting on page 335), so you can check your understanding of the grammar points this way if you like. There is also an interactive grammar available. If you would like to work on these exercises, you can go to the main menu for them by clicking here.

Written Assignment: Print the following (available on Dokeos>Documentos>Worksheets) and do as many exercises as you can in one and a half to two hours. Be sure to work on each grammar point, even if you don't finish all the exercises for some of them. I recommend that you do a few in each exercise, and then go back and do more if you have time, rather than finishing all of one exercise before moving on. Bring these to class. For this time only, you may work together on these sheets, but in the future, all Worksheets may be graded assignments and you should neither receive nor give specific answers.
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5

Do some exercises, or parts of exercises, and check your answers in the back of the Workbook.  Practice with the interactive exercises and grammar for these grammar points. 
You should know well at least the following grammar points:
•present tense of regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs (#6,#8,#11)
•the irregular verbs SER(#1), ESTAR(#5), and IR(#14)
•HAY (#4) [its meaning and use]
•forms of address (#9,#12)
•uses of the infinitive (#7)
•gender and number of nouns and articles [and adjectives] (#2)
•agreement of adjectives with their nouns (#3,#10)
•the personal a [used when a person is the direct object] (#13)
***examencito (gramática y episodio). [Remember, even when the syllabus does not explicitly say so, it is likely that there will be a quiz on the material due that day.]


3 View the video for episode 6 after doing the "Preparación" exercises on pages 60-61 in the Text. [The answers to "Actividad A" are on page A3 of the Text (in Appendix I), along with responses to other exercises in the chapter.] Finish the exercises in the Text (61-63); use the answers on page A3 to help with the storyline.  Practice with the interactive exercises and grammar if you wish, and finish up Worksheets 1-5 if you haven't already. The exercises in your Workbook, pages 56-60 (up to "Un poco de todo"), can also be used for practice. There are answers to some of these exercises on page 336.
***Remember, even when the syllabus does not explicitly say so, it is likely that there will be a quiz on the material due on a given day.



*Watch videos 7 & 8.
Practice with the the interactive exercises and grammar if you wish.
*Make a copy of the 1-14 Verb Sheet and bring it to class

*Finish the Worksheet exercises if you haven't done so already, and come with any questions you may have about grammar points 1-14.
****Remember, even when the syllabus does not explicitly say so, it is likely that there will be a quiz on the material due on a given day.



Written assignment: Print and complete the following. Bring them to class.
Worksheet 7

Worksheet 8

Don't forget about
the interactive exercises and grammar to get instant feedback on your understanding of the grammar points.
****Remember, even when the syllabus does not explicitly say so, it is likely that there will be a quiz on the material due on a given day.



*View videos 9 & 10
*Spend at least 15 minutes with the interactive exercises and grammar.
*Study the Lesson 1-14 Verb Sheet
*examencito: Grammar Points 17-22



Workbook: Lessons 9 and 10 (82-106). Study the grammar points and practice as you wish.

Written assignment: Print and try to complete the following. Bring them to class.
Worksheet 9
Worksheet 10



View the video for episode 11 after doing the "Preparación" exercises on pages 109-110 in the Text. [The answers to "Actividad A" are on page A4 of the Text, along with responses to other exercises in the chapter.] Finish the exercises in the Text (110-112); use the answers on page A3 to help with the storyline.

Workbook: 107-112 (stop at "Un poco de todo"). Do all the exercises, and be sure to check your answers on page 338.

*Oral presentations of approximately 1-2 minutes (about 6-8 sentences)

*Trae [=Bring] una fotocopia de la canción "De colores" a la clase. Hay un enlace [=link] en la página principal de nuestra clase: "Some Songs and Music from the Hispanic World." Allí puedes encontrar la letra [=the words] de la canción "De colores."


*View videos 12 & 13. Work on personal grammar weaknesses using the interactive exercises and grammarand/or the Workbook exercises and/or study the verb sheet and vocbulary in the Text and Workbook.



Lessons 12-14: preterit tense of regular verbs and direct object pronouns.
No assigned video.
Study grammar well, using the interactive exercises and grammarand/or the Workbook exercises, if you wish.

Written assignment: Print and work on the following. Bring them to class.
Worksheet 12
Worksheet 13
Worksheet 14



*View video 14
*Study for test. Don’t forget the 1-14 Verb Sheet.
*Come with questions

*Oral presentations of approximately 1-2 minutes (about 6-8 sentences)
Link to the interactive exercises and grammar.



19 Test: Lessons 1-14. - The "Self-Tests" for each lesson begin on page 286 of the Workbook (answers begin on 342). These can provide good preparation for the test. The computerized exercises for these lessons can be very useful, too.


22 LESSON 15.
View the video for lesson 15 after you do the "Preparación" exercises (Text), and then complete the "¿Tienes buena memoria?" exercises
•Memoriza "Vocabulario," p. 153 of the Text and 162 of the Workbook
Texto:-144-150 [stop at "Un poco de gramática"]; Study; do non-Worksheet exercises (don't forget the listening exercises).



Workbook: 152-57.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar point #43 and complete all non-Worksheet exercises.
•Memorize the irregular preterit forms
Texto: 148, "Nota Cultural"

*Print Worksheet 15 and do the corresponding section.


24 Workbook: 157-62.
•Study the grammar points and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises in the Workbook.

*Worksheet 15: do the corresponding sections.



View the video after you do the "Preparación" exercises (Text), and then complete the "¿Tienes buena memoria?" exercises.
•Memoriza "Vocabulario," p. 164 of the Text and 174 of the Workbook
Texto:-154-158 [stop at "Vocabulario del tema"]; Study; do non-Worksheet exercises, including, as always, the aural ones.





Workbook: 163-68.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar point #46 and complete all non-Worksheet exercises. In 46D, do any 4
•Memorize the irregular preterite forms
Texto: 161-63, "Lectura Cultural"

*Print Worksheet 16 and do the corresponding section.



Workbook: 168-74.
•Study the grammar points and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises.

*Worksheet 16: do the corresponding sections.


View the video after you do the "Preparación" exercises (Text), and then complete the "¿Tienes buena memoria?" exercises.
•Memoriza "Vocabulario," p. 174 of the Text and 185 of the Workbook
Texto:-165-169 [stop at "Vocabulario del tema"]; Study; do exercises, including listening.


3 Workbook: 175-80.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar point #49 and complete all non-Worksheet exercises.
•Memorize the stem changes for -IR preterit forms. The book can be confusing at one point (page 178, bottom): o does not change to ue in the preterit, but rather to u, as the box on this page clearly shows [morir-muri—, murieron]. The o to ue change occurs only in the present tense, not in the preterit.
Texto: 172-73, "Lectura Cultural"


6 Workbook: 180-85.
•Study the grammar points and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises.

*Print Worksheet 17 and do the corresponding section.



View the video for episode 18 after doing the "Preparación" exercises in the Text. [The answers to "Actividad A" are on page A6 of the Text, along with responses to other exercises in the chapter.] Finish the exercises in the Text; use the answers on page A6 to help with the storyline if necessary.
Workbook: 186-93 (stop at "Un poco de todo"). Do at least the following exercises: 52A [1-9]; 52C [1-5]; 53A; 53B

*Worksheet 17: do the corresponding sections.

***Print this exercise and bring it to class.




8 *presentación oral de 2-3 minutos 
*Vengan con preguntas

***Answers for the exercise sheet you printed for the last class


10 Prueba: lecciones 15-18.
***Bring your Workbook.  I'll collect them in class.


13 LESSON 19. -
"Preparación" exercises, video, "¿Tienes buena memoria?" exercises.
•Memoriza "Vocabulario," p. 191 of the Text and 210 of the Workbook
Texto:-182-185 [stop at "Vocabulario del tema"]; Study; do exercises, including in lab



Workbook: 198-202.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar point #54 and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises
Texto: 189-90, "Lectura Cultural"

*Print Worksheet 19 and do the corresponding section.


15 Workbook: 203-10.
•Study the grammar points and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises
• memorize the vocabulary on p. 210 if you haven’t yet.
*Worksheet 19: do the corresponding sections.


17 LESSON 20. -
"Preparación" exercises, video, "¿Tienes buena memoria?" exercises
•Memoriza "Vocabulario," p. 203 of the Text and 221 of the Workbook
Texto: 192-197: Study; do non-Worksheet exercises, including in lab.



Fall Break


Workbook: 211-18.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar points #57 and #58 and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises

*Print Worksheet 20 and do the corresponding sections.


24 Texto: 197-202.
Workbook: 218-21.
Study grammar point #59 and complete all non-Worksheet exercises.
•"Pronunciación": "Actividad" (221) is particularly useful.
***Finish Worksheet 20




27 LESSON 21.
"Preparación" exercises, video, "¿Tienes buena memoria?" exercises.
Memoriza el vocabulario del Texto (213) [no del Workbook]
Texto:-204-210: Study; do exercises stop before "Un poco de gramática." 



Workbook: 223-230.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar points #60 and #61 and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises

*Print Worksheet 21 and do the corresponding sections.


29 Texto: 210-212.
Workbook: 230-34. vocabulary (234) and all non-Worksheet exercises.
62F [do 2 in each group; prepare these to do orally in class--you don't have to write them out]

Finish Worksheet 21


31 Presentaciones orales y repaso.  Puede ser un mostrar y decir (=show and tell), si quieres.


Prueba: lecciones 19-21.

***Bring your Workbook.  I'll collect them in class.


4 LESSON 22.
"Preparación" exercises, video, "¿Tienes buena memoria?" exercises.
Texto: -"Vocabulario," 222.
-214-219: Study; do exercises, including, as usual, the aural ones.



Workbook: 235-40.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar point #63 and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises
T: 219-222

*Print Worksheet 22 and do the corresponding section.


7 Workbook: 240-45. vocabulary (245) and all exercises.
***63C (p.239) is not a Worksheet exercise.  Check your answer on page 340.
*Finish Worksheet 22


10 LESSON 23.
"Preparación" exercises, video, "¿Tienes buena memoria?" exercises.
Memoriza el vocabulario del Texto (232) y del Workbook (255).
T:  -223-226: Study; do all exercises.





Workbook: 246-53.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar points #66 and #67 and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises

*Print Worksheet 23 and do the corresponding sections.


12 Texto: 226-232
Workbook: 253-55, all non-Worksheet exercises.
***68B [3]; 68C [3; prepare these to do orally in class--you don't have to write them out].

*Finish Worksheet 23


14 LESSON 24.
"Preparación" exercises, video, "¿Tienes buena memoria?" exercises.
Texto: -"Vocabulario," 241. Wkbk: 265, "Las palabras adicionales"
-236-239: Study; do exercises, including aural ones.



Workbook: 256-61.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar point #69 and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises

*Print Worksheet 24 and do the corresponding section.


18 Texto: 239-241. 
261-265. vocabulary (265) and all non-Worksheet exercises.
*** 70C; 70D [3]; 71C [4; prepare these to do orally in class--you don't have to write them out]

*Finish Worksheet 24


19 presentaciones orales y repaso.  La presentación oral puede ser un mostrar y decir (=show and tell), si quieres.


21 Prueba: lecciones 22-24

***Bring your Workbook.  I'll collect them in class.


24 La tarea será anunciada [The assignment will be announced.]



La tarea va a ser anunciada


Día de Acción de Gracias


View episodes 27 & 28.
Memorize the vocabulary for both episodes in the Text and Workbook





Workbook II: 3-7, y 8-13.
•Do the "Más allá del episodio," exercises
•Study grammar points #s 75 y76 and complete all the non-Worksheet exercises in Workbook II [27-52]

*Do the sections on the Dokeos Worksheet that correspond to grammar points #75 and #76 [Worksheets 27 & 28]


3 Texto: 262-264.
Workbook: 13-15: all non-Worksheet exercises.
*** 77E [2 oraciones; prepare these to do orally in class--you don't have to write them out]

*Do the sections on the Dokeos Worksheet that correspond to grammar point #77 [Worksheet 28]


5 Lesson 29. View the video episode for this chapter.
Memorize the chapter vocabulary in Text and Workbook
Read "Dos tradiciones mexicanas," 280


8 Lesson 29: the present subjunctive
Study grammar points #78 and #79 on pages 20-21 of the Workbook., and do the non-Worksheet exercises on pages 22-24.
Grammar Point 81 [páginas 34-35]: Memorize the six irregular subjunctive forms in the boxes (dar, ir, estar, ser, saber, haber)
Workbook: Do "¡A leer!" exercise and all "Actividades" (pp.25-27). [The reading is challenging; do the best you can.]
Worksheet 29



LECCIONES 25 Y 26 (Workbook I).
Do all the exercises in the Workbook, pages 266-73 and 278-80 (stop at "Un poco de todo" in each chapter).
•check your answers in the back of the Workbook.
Bring any grammar questions you may have. Don't forget about the interactive exercises and grammar;
it can help you to review.

Download the document FE_Practica_105_F07.doc from Dokeos and bring it to class.


10 REPASO: finish the practice exercises if you haven't already done them. Come with any grammar questions you may have.


12 *Student Course Evaluation
*The oral part of the final examination
*Repaso (opcional)





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1-14 Verb List



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