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Banned In The USA:


A Study of American Freedom



American Culture Program
Semester Outline


Week 1: January 15-19
Foundations of Freedom

Foner: Chapter 1
Images: Cronon: “Bounded Land”; the Maier Museum; Locke’s Second Treatise
Seminar: Sacred Documents
Voices I: Josh Wheeler of the Jefferson Center

Week 2: January 22-26
Banned Books and Films

Foner: Chapter 2
Images: Group presentations on banned books
Seminar: Articles on banned books
Voices I: Ted Hostetler, Director of Lipscomb Library

Week 3: January 29-February 2
The Civil Rights Movement

Foner: Chapter 3
Images: DVD: Eyes on the Prize
Seminar: Lewis: Walking with the Wind

Week 4: February 5-9
The Civil Rights Movement

Foner: Chapter 4
Images: Songs of the Civil Rights Movement; Zinn: “Or Does It Explode;” readings on
Seminar: continue with Walking with the Wind


Voices II: February 9-11 Washington, D.C.

Week 5: February 12-16
Same Sex Marriage

Foner: Chapter 5
Images: DVD: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Seminar: Mixed Marriage – Chapter 6

Week 6: February 19-23
Same Sex Marriage

Foner: Chapter 6
Images: Massachusetts and New Jersey rulings on same sex marriage
Seminar: Sullivan: Same Sex Marriage

Week 7: February 26-March 2

Foner: Chapter 7
Images: Midterm Exam, Cuban Immigration Act
Seminar: DVD: US vs. John Lennon

Spring Break

Week 8: March 12-16

Foner: Chapter 8
Images: DVD: Beyond the Border, Spencer: Blues and Evil
Seminar: Nazum: Parental Advisory: Music Censorship in America

Voices II: March 15-18 Philadelphia, PA

Week 9: March 19-23
Sports and Gambling

Foner: Chapter 9
Images: continue with Blues and Evil; selections from The Manly Art (Gorn)
Seminar: Reith: Gambling: Who Wins, Who Loses

Week 10: March 26-30

Foner: Chapter 10
Images: DVD: The Devil’s Playground; selections from Roadside Religion (Beal)
Seminar: TBD

Week 11: April 2-6
Hurricane Katrina

Foner: Chapter 11
Images: Colten: An Unnatural Metropolis; This American Life “After the Flood”
Seminar: Dyson: Come Hell or High Water

THE BIG TRIP! April 7-14

Week 13: April 16-20
The War on Drugs

Foner: Chapter 12
Images: Reefer Madness book and film
Seminar: Drug Crazy, Mike Gray

Week 14: April 23-27
The War on Drugs

Foner: Chapter 13
Images: Reefer Madness; Gilmore: “Zoned Out” and other articles
Seminar: Anonymous: Go Ask Alice