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It's a Disney World!
Find out why with the American Culture Program

American Voices II

The Big Trip!
Disney World

See photos from:

St. Augustine
The Orlando Sentinel
Disney World
Holy Land Experience
The Okefenokee Swamp


Arriving at the Magic Kingdom, we were greeted by a stage show at the castle.


The group.


Cinderella and her prince greet the guests at the Magic Kingdom.


AmCP students watch and take notes!


Main Street in the Magic Kingdom.


It really IS a small world after all!


Alex Hoenig and Shay Kahrs explain how a wild west game connects to the materials they discussed throughout the semester.


Gena Page, Eggi Orgodol and Bekah Pauli discuss Disney's presentation of American History.


Jessie Forbes and Stefanie Brawner explore Disney's representation of exotic cultures in the Tiki Room.


Stacey Lantz and Elise Lewinstein examine the significance of Splash Mountain.


Group shot with Walt and Mickey.




Main Entrance at Disney's MGM Studios park.


A backdrop of the New York skyline.


On the MGM Backlot Tour we saw how studios create special effects for movies like Pearl Harbor.


The Epcot Globe


View of the Eiffel Tower in EPCOT


EPCOT's version of Japan


EPCOT by night.