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American Culture  an online journal dedicated to the study of America

    the places 










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Trip  2:

Pittsburgh, PA

Frank Lloyd Wright, Edgar Kaufmann
March 31-April 3


1 p.m.              Depart Main Hall
11 p.m.            Arrive Pittsburgh

 view 2 films en route:

            The Fountainhead
            Edgar Kaufmann Jr.


8 a.m.              Breakfast Meeting w/ Frank Toker, author of Fallingwater Rising
10 a.m.            Tour and workshop at Andy Warhol Museum
1 p.m.              Lunch
3 p.m.              Kaufmann’s Department Store
6:30 p.m.        dinner


9:30 a.m.          depart for Mill Run to tour Fallingwater
11 a.m.             tour of house
12:30 p.m.        planned group lunch (soup & assortment of sandwiches)
1:30 p.m.          outdoor walking tour & discussion
3:30 p.m.          depart for Pittsburgh


8 a.m.                group discussion
10 a.m.              depart for Lynchburg




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