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meet the students: LYNDSEY PEHLAM '05







Hometown: Portland, Oregon

High School: Sky View High School

Year: Junior

Major: Studio Art

Reason for attending R-MWC :

R-MWC offered a great financial aid package.  I could focus on academics and still play competitive sports, and I wanted an adventure, to try something new and go out on my own for a while.  The faculty to student ratio was also a big selling point.  The small community atmosphere was very enticing; I didn't want to be just another number at a big school.

What about the Program are you looking forward to the most?

I hope to learn more about American culture, and to put some of that knowledge into an artistic context, possibly sparking some interests to explore in graduate school. And I’m really looking forward to getting to know more people.

the places         the  voices          scrapbook              

outreach/educational resources

    learn how your school or organization can be a part of the American Culture Program

faculty & student profiles

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play the game

Route 66 trivia game begins Tuesday, January 27. Take a chance at winning an iPod.