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meet the students: STEPHANY SMATHERS '06







Hometown: Canton, North Carolina

High School: Pisgah High School

Year: Sophomore

Major: American Culture

Reason for attending R-MWC :

I chose R-MWC because of its atmosphere, opportunities, sense of community, and its closeness between professors and students.  I did not even apply to any other college after visiting the campus.  It just felt right for me.

What about the Program are you looking forward to the most?

I’m hoping to learn about America by experiencing it not just by reading about it in a book. The Program will give me unique opportunities to see how America reflects on its people. I’m looking forward to learning about the Crime and Punishment aspect of this year’s themes. I’m also very excited about getting to travel within the U.S., and to hear from other Americans speaking about America.

Post Program comments (May 2004)

It's hard for me to think of just a few examples of things that I loved from this semester.  The entire experience could never be replaced.  I really enjoyed the opportunity to meet so many new people that I would not have met otherwise.  It was great to have all the new experiences such as visiting a prison and meeting with the Cattlemen's Association.  I would never have been able to incorporate so many experiences into my education here if I had not taken this course.  It really showed me how I could use my liberal arts education to do almost anything.  When I started the program I had no idea what I wanted to major in and shortly thereafter decided on American Culture. It is just such an open field for study and the program was a great opportunity for me to get my hands dirty.  I really enjoyed all of the units and the trips.  They all surprisingly fit together wonderfully. Thanks for everything.

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play the game

Route 66 trivia game begins Tuesday, January 27. Take a chance at winning an iPod.